Hack in Rio 2013

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Come join us for Hack in Rio, a data journalism hackday focused on developing visualizations, apps, tools and web projects about government corruption, sports corruption and environmental issues.

Hack in Rio is part of the activities of the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, an event that combines the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, the annual Latin America Investigative Journalism Conference (COLPIN), and the International Congress of ABRAJI (Brazil’s investigative journalism association).

Following the conference theme, Hack in Rio will be focus on advancing quality investigative journalism using technology on the 3 tracks before mentioned: government corruption, sports corruption and environmental issues.

The whole purpose of this hack day is to work on teams to:

  • Find, extract and analyze data using existing tools to tell data driven stories.
  • Build data journalism apps, visualizations, tools or web projects.

While the conference is invite-only, the Hack in Rio event is open to talented journalist, developers, designers, civic hackers, students and professionals of all sorts who are interested in discovering and building amazing things.

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